The trial key is invalid. Please try again..

.Net技术 码拜 10年前 (2014-09-16) 2825次浏览 0个评论

I downloaded Codesmith and ran CodeSmith explorer. I pressed Request Trial Key link, entered my info and application showed me trial key. I copy-pasted this key, and pressed Try but got the message

错误消息”The trial key is invalid. Please try again or contact customer service for assistance.”

I tried to request another key and got same result

but none of them works.

Please advice



Those keys don’t work because you are entering a Generator 6.5 trial key into version 5.0. You will need to trial the latest version of Generator by downloading it here:

Also, for future reference, please contact for any activation related issues.

版本问题,生成的Trial Key为最新版本的,在旧版本无法使用,下载最新版CodeSmith安装使用即可。

CodeBye 版权所有丨如未注明 , 均为原创丨本网站采用BY-NC-SA协议进行授权 , 转载请注明The trial key is invalid. Please try again..
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