求帮优化一个mysql 查询语句
原来的sql语句: select date(p.createTime) as typeDate, "姓名碎片" as typeOneName, coalesce((select count(*) from PaymentRecord as a where a.workerId="56142380e4b0d07cd49957b7" and date……
多条链接查询sql的优化 union all 语句 怎么样优化提高性能 符合需求呢
select * from( select (select dep_name from department where dep_id= o.dep_id) depName, out_remark ,sum(out_total_amount) total,out_date From out_warehouse o where dep_……
一个if语句 求简化
private bool verificationLoad(string userName,string userPassword, string clientSessionid) { //clientSessionid 这是判断能否登录的id if (clientSessionid != null) { // 验证sessionid方式 判断登陆 ……
$ip_sql=”select SUM(fen) as q from table where nl_ew=3 and date_format(nl_time,”%Y-%m-%d”)=curdate() “; 查询今天的积分统计… 为什么会超时……(以前还可以用……
是这样的,现在有T1,T2,T3,T4 T5 5张表,以T1为主表,多表联查数据。 本人是这样写的: (SELECT T1.CODE, T2.NAME,T3.TYPE,T4.ACCOUNT FROM T1 INNER JOIN T2 ON T1.ID=T2.ID INNER JOIN T3 ON T1.ID=T3.ID INNER JOIN T4 ON T1……