本人想在计算器类中使用链式栈 但是不清楚为什么错了 这个代码都是书上打的 殷人昆的数据结构第二版 一共是三个文件 请大家帮帮看看到底是什么问题 小弟不甚感激
#include<math.h> #include"LinkedStack.h" #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Calculator { public: Calculator(int sz):s(sz) {};//构造函数 void Run();//执行表达式计算 void Clear(); private: LinkedStack <double>s;//栈对象定义 void AddOperand(double value);//进操作数栈 bool get2Operands(double& left,double &right);//从栈中退出两个操作数 void DoOperator(char op);//形成运算指令 进行计算 }; void Calculator::DoOperator(char op) { double left,right,value;int result; result=get2Operands (left,right); if(result==true) switch (op) { case""+"":value=left+right;s.Push (value);break; case""-"":value=left-right;s.Push (value);break; case""*"":value=left*right;s.Push (value);break; case""/"":if(right ==0.0) { cerr<<"Divide by 0!"<<endl; Clear(); } else{value=left/right ;s.Push (value);} break; } else Clear (); }; bool Calculator ::get2Operands (double & left,double &right) { if(s.IsEmpty ()==true) { cerr<<"缺右操作数"<<endl;return false ;} s.Pop (right); if(s.IsEmpty ()==true) { cerr<<" 缺操作数"<<endl;return false ;} s.Pop (left); return false; }; void Calculator ::AddOperand (double value) { s.Push (value); }; void Calculator ::Run() { char ch;double newOperand; while(cin>>ch,ch!=""#"") { switch(ch) { case""+"":case""-"":case""*"":case""/"": DoOperator (ch);break ; default :cin.putback(ch); cin>>newOperand ; AddOperand (newOperand ); } } }; void Calculator ::Clear () { s.makeEmpty (); };
#ifndef LINKEDSTACK_H #define LINKEDSTACK_H #include <iostream> #include <cassert> using namespace std; template <typename T>struct StackNode{ T data; StackNode<T> *link; StackNode(T d = 0, StackNode<T> *next = NULL):link(next),data(d){} }; template <typename T> class LinkedStack{ private: StackNode<T> *top; public: LinkedStack():top(NULL){}//无头结点 ~LinkedStack(){ makeEmpty(); } void Push(const T &x); bool Pop(T &x); bool getTop(T &x)const; int getSize()const; bool IsEmpty()const{ return top == NULL; } bool IsFull()const{ return false; } void makeEmpty(); friend ostream& operator << (ostream &os, LinkedStack<T> &s) { os << "Stack Size: " << s.getSize() << endl; StackNode<T> *p = s.top; int i = 0; while (p){ os << ++i << ": " << p->data << endl; p = p->link; } return os; } }; template <typename T> void LinkedStack<T>::makeEmpty() { StackNode<T> *p; while (top){//最后top为NULL p = top; top = top->link; delete p; } } template <typename T> void LinkedStack<T>::Push(const T &x) { top = new StackNode<T>(x, top); assert(top); } template <typename T> bool LinkedStack<T>::Pop(T &x) { if (IsEmpty()){ return false; } StackNode<T> *p = top; top = top->link; x = p->data; delete p; return true; } template <typename T> bool LinkedStack<T>::getTop(T &x)const { if (IsEmpty()) return false; x = top->data; return true; } template <typename T> int LinkedStack<T>::getSize()const { StackNode<T> *p = top; int k = 0; while (p){ p = p->link; k++; } return k; } #endif
#include "LinkedStack.h" #include"Calculator.h" #include <fstream> #include <cassert> using namespace std; int main(){ Calculator cc; cc.Run (); LinkedStack<int> sta; ifstream fin("data.txt"); assert(fin); int data; while (!fin.eof()){ assert(fin >> data); sta.Push(data); } cout << "The initial Stack in the file is:\n" << sta; cout << "The current size of the Stack is: " << sta.getSize() << endl; sta.getTop(data); cout << "The current Top of the Stack is : " << data << endl; sta.Pop(data); cout << "\nDo a Pop operation, then the stack is:\n" << sta << endl; cout << "The data popped is: " << data << endl; sta.getTop(data); cout << "The current Top of the Stack is : " << data << endl; cout << "\nTest the state of the stack:\n"; if (sta.IsEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty now!\n"; else if (sta.IsFull()) cout << "The stack is full now!\n"; else cout << "The stack is not empty and not full now!\n"; sta.makeEmpty(); cout << "Now make the stack empty, then the state of the stack is:\n"; if (sta.IsEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty now!\n"; else if (sta.IsFull()) cout << "The stack is full now!\n"; else cout << "The stack is not empty and not full now!\n"; return 0; }
//不带表头结点的单向链表 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <time.h> #include <locale.h> struct NODE { int data; struct NODE *next; } *head,*p,*q,*s,*p1,*p2,*q1,**ta; int i,k,n,t,m,v,N=10; int main() { setlocale(LC_ALL,"chs"); srand(time(NULL)); head=NULL; printf("创建%d个节点的单链表:",N);//创建N个节点的单链表 p=head; for (i=0;i<N;i++) { q=(struct NODE *)malloc(sizeof(struct NODE)); if (NULL==q) exit(1); q->data=rand()%100;//填写0..99的随机值 q->next=NULL; if (NULL==p) { head=q; p=head; } else { p->next=q; p=q; } } //输出整个单链表 s=head; while (1) { if (NULL==s) { printf("\n"); break; } printf("%02d->",s->data); s=s->next; } k=3; v=5; printf("将值为%d的结点插入到单链表的第%d个结点前:",v,k);//将值为v的结点插入到单链表的第k个结点前 n=0; p=head; while (1) { if (NULL==p) { break; } n++; if (k==1) { q=(struct NODE *)malloc(sizeof(struct NODE)); if (NULL==q) exit(1); q->data=5; q->next=head; head=q; break; } else { if (k-1==n) { q=(struct NODE *)malloc(sizeof(struct NODE)); if (NULL==q) exit(1); q->data=5; q->next=p->next; p->next=q; break; } } p=p->next; } //输出整个单链表 s=head; while (1) { if (NULL==s) { printf("\n"); break; } printf("%02d->",s->data); s=s->next; } k=5; printf("删除第%d个节点:",k);//删除第k个节点 n=0; p=head; while (1) { if (NULL==p) { break; } n++; if (k==1) { q=head; head=head->next; free(q); break; } else { if (k-1==n) { q=p->next; if (q) { p->next=q->next; free(q); } break; } } p=p->next; } //输出整个单链表 s=head; while (1) { if (NULL==s) { printf("\n"); break; } printf("%02d->",s->data); s=s->next; } printf("从小到大排序:");//从小到大排序 for (p=head,p1=NULL;p!=NULL;p1=p,p=p->next) { for (q=p->next,q1=p;q!=NULL;q1=q,q=q->next) { if (p->data > q->data) { //交换data // printf("swap %02d %02d\n",p->data,q->data); // t=p->data;p->data=q->data;q->data=t; //或 //交换next // printf("swap %02d %02d\n",p->data,q->data); if (p==head) {//p是头 if (p->next==q) {//pq挨着 head=q; p->next=q->next; q->next=p; q=p; p=head; } else {//pq不挨着 head=q; p2=p->next; p->next=q->next; q->next=p2; q1->next=p; q=p; p=head; } } else {//p不是头 if (p->next==q) {//pq挨着 p1->next=q; p->next=q->next; q->next=p; q=p; p=p1->next; } else {//pq不挨着 p1->next=q; p2=p->next; p->next=q->next; q->next=p2; q1->next=p; q=p; p=p1->next; } } //输出整个单链表 // s=head; // while (1) { // if (NULL==s) { // printf("\n"); // break; // } // printf("%02d->",s->data); // s=s->next; // } // getchar(); } } } //输出整个单链表并计算链表长度n n=0; s=head; while (1) { if (NULL==s) { printf("\n"); break; } printf("%02d->",s->data); n++; s=s->next; } printf("将整个链表逆序:");//将整个链表逆序 if (n>=2) { p=head; q=p->next; p->next=NULL; while (1) { q1=q->next; q->next=p; p=q; q=q1; if (NULL==q) break; } head=p; } //输出整个单链表 s=head; while (1) { if (NULL==s) { printf("\n"); break; } printf("%02d->",s->data); s=s->next; } m=4; n=6; printf("将单链表中前%d个结点和后%d个结点进行互换:",m,n);//将单链表中前m个结点和后n个结点进行互换,m+n为链表总长 k=0; p=head; while (1) { if (NULL==p) { break; } k++; if (m==k) { q=p; } s=p; p=p->next; } q1=head; head=q->next; s->next=q1; q->next=NULL; //输出整个单链表 s=head; while (1) { if (NULL==s) { printf("\n"); break; } printf("%02d->",s->data); s=s->next; } //释放全部节点 p=head; while (1) { if (NULL==p) { break; } q=p->next; free(p); p=q; } return 0; } //创建10个节点的单链表:08->74->07->23->03->99->31->56->88->16-> //将值为5的结点插入到单链表的第3个结点前:08->74->05->07->23->03->99->31->56->88->16-> //删除第5个节点:08->74->05->07->03->99->31->56->88->16-> //从小到大排序:03->05->07->08->16->31->56->74->88->99-> //将整个链表逆序:99->88->74->56->31->16->08->07->05->03-> //将单链表中前4个结点和后6个结点进行互换:31->16->08->07->05->03->99->88->74->56-> //