drop table if EXISTS test01; create table test01 (seq_id BIGINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `index` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL); drop table if EXISTS new_test01; create table new_test01 (`index` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL); insert into new_test01 values (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9),(10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `trigger_01`; CREATE TRIGGER `trigger_01` BEFORE INSERT ON `test01` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE `seq_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED; DECLARE `now_millis` BIGINT UNSIGNED; DECLARE `our_epoch` BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1446307200000; SET `now_millis` = (SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(3)) * 1000); SET `seq_id` = (SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.`TABLES` WHERE table_schema = "testauto_1" AND table_name = "test01"); SET NEW.seq_id = (SELECT ((`now_millis` - `our_epoch`) << 23) | (MOD(2, 256) << 15) | MOD (`seq_id`, 32768)); END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `pro_01`; create PROCEDURE pro_01(in num int unsigned) BEGIN DECLARE i int DEFAULT 0; REPEAT insert into `testauto_1`.test01 (`index`) ( select `index` from testauto_1.new_test01 ); set i = i+1; UNTIL i>num END REPEAT; END; call pro_01(7000); select * from test01 where `index`=1; -- 到1638次的时候一定会失败,这个为什么? drop table if EXISTS test02; create table test02 (seq_id BIGINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `index` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL); drop table if EXISTS test02_seq; create table test02_seq (seq_id BIGINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `trigger_02`; CREATE TRIGGER `trigger_02` BEFORE INSERT ON `test02` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE `seq_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED; DECLARE `now_millis` BIGINT UNSIGNED; DECLARE `our_epoch` BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1446307200000; SET `now_millis` = (SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW(3)) * 1000); SET `seq_id` = (SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.`TABLES` WHERE table_schema = "testauto_1" AND table_name = "test02_seq"); SET NEW.seq_id = (SELECT ((`now_millis` - `our_epoch`) << 23) | (MOD(2, 256) << 15) | MOD (`seq_id`, 32768)); INSERT into test02_seq values (NULL); END; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `pro_02`; create PROCEDURE pro_02(in num int unsigned) BEGIN DECLARE i int DEFAULT 0; REPEAT insert into `testauto_1`.test02 (`index`) ( select `index` from testauto_1.new_test01 ); set i = i+1; UNTIL i>num END REPEAT; END; call pro_02(7000); select * from test02 where `index`=1; -- 改成这样就可以解决这个问题,但是没弄明白为什么
应该是触发器中的 这段代码导致 的,假如有大量并发的insert 语句,就会同时运行这段代码,通过字典表来获取当前自增列的值,产生了相同的seq-id:
SET `seq_id` = (SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.`TABLES` WHERE table_schema = “testauto_1” AND table_name = “test01”);