// OpenCVFindContours.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include "cxcore.h" #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CvCapture* pCapture = cvCreateCameraCapture(0); IplImage * pFrame; IplImage *psrc; IplImage *src = cvCreateImage(cvSize(700,700), IPL_DEPTH_8U,3); IplImage *gsrc = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src), IPL_DEPTH_8U,1); IplImage *dsw ; IplImage *dst; CvMemStorage *storage; CvSeq *first_contour; while(1) { psrc=cvQueryFrame(pCapture ); cvResize(psrc,src,1); cvCvtColor(src,gsrc,CV_BGR2GRAY); dsw = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src), 8, 1); dst = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src), 8, 3); storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); first_contour = NULL; //turn the src image to a binary image //cvThreshold(src, dsw, 125, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV); cvThreshold(gsrc, dsw, 100, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); cvFindContours(dsw, storage, &first_contour, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); cvZero(dst); int cnt = 0; for(; first_contour != 0; first_contour = first_contour->h_next) { cnt++; CvScalar color = CV_RGB(rand()&255, rand()&255, rand()&255); cvDrawContours(dst, first_contour, color, color, 0, 2, CV_FILLED, cvPoint(0, 0)); CvRect rect = cvBoundingRect(first_contour,0); cvRectangle(dst, cvPoint(rect.x, rect.y), cvPoint(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height),CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 1, 8, 0); } printf("the num of contours : %d\n", cnt); cvNamedWindow( "Source", 1 ); cvShowImage( "Source", src ); cvNamedWindow( "dsw", 1 ); cvShowImage( "dsw", dsw ); cvNamedWindow( "Components", 1 ); cvShowImage( "Components", dst ); cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage); char c=cvWaitKey(10); if(c==27) break; } cvDestroyWindow("Source"); cvDestroyWindow("dsw"); cvDestroyWindow("Components"); cvReleaseImage(&pFrame); cvReleaseImage(&gsrc); cvReleaseImage(&src); cvReleaseImage(&dsw); cvReleaseImage(&dst); //cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage); cvReleaseCapture(&pCapture); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { CvCapture* pCapture = cvCreateCameraCapture(0); IplImage * pFrame; IplImage *psrc; IplImage *src = cvCreateImage(cvSize(700,700), IPL_DEPTH_8U,3); IplImage *gsrc = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src), IPL_DEPTH_8U,1); IplImage *dsw ; IplImage *dst; CvMemStorage *storage; CvSeq *first_contour; while(1) { psrc=cvQueryFrame(pCapture ); cvResize(psrc,src,1); cvCvtColor(src,gsrc,CV_BGR2GRAY); dsw = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src), 8, 1); dst = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src), 8, 3); storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); first_contour = NULL; //turn the src image to a binary image //cvThreshold(src, dsw, 125, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV); cvThreshold(gsrc, dsw, 100, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); cvFindContours(dsw, storage, &first_contour, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); cvZero(dst); int cnt = 0; for(; first_contour != 0; first_contour = first_contour->h_next) { cnt++; CvScalar color = CV_RGB(rand()&255, rand()&255, rand()&255); cvDrawContours(dst, first_contour, color, color, 0, 2, CV_FILLED, cvPoint(0, 0)); CvRect rect = cvBoundingRect(first_contour,0); cvRectangle(dst, cvPoint(rect.x, rect.y), cvPoint(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height),CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 1, 8, 0); } printf("the num of contours : %d\n", cnt); cvNamedWindow( "Source", 1 ); cvShowImage( "Source", src ); cvNamedWindow( "dsw", 1 ); cvShowImage( "dsw", dsw ); cvNamedWindow( "Components", 1 ); cvShowImage( "Components", dst ); cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage); cvReleaseImage(&dsw); // 应移至此处 cvReleaseImage(&dst); // 应移至此处 char c=cvWaitKey(10); if(c==27) break; } cvDestroyWindow("Source"); cvDestroyWindow("dsw"); cvDestroyWindow("Components"); //~ cvReleaseImage(&pFrame); //cvReleaseCapture会释放,千万别自己处理 cvReleaseImage(&gsrc); cvReleaseImage(&src); //cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage); cvReleaseCapture(&pCapture); return 0; }