/* 问题: 简单火车售票系统 1. 一条单向的火车站点 2. 每个节点表示为1,2,3,4…..依次增大,1为起始 3. 初始时只有从站点1到末尾站点的车票若干张。 规则: 例如:假如要买站点3~站点5 的车票 规则1: (1)假如刚好有3~5的车票则售出,否则按照下面规则。 规则2: (1)选择离3最近的有票的站点(包括<=3) (2)选择离5最近的有票的站点(包括>=5) 规则3: (1)在满足规则2中选择一张车票拆分。 实例: 假如有1,2,3,4,5,6这6个站点,且初始只有一张1到6的票,现在要买一张3~4的车票,根据规则,没有直接从3~4的票出售,离3最近且有票的只有1,离4最近且有票的只有6,则需要拆分这张1~6的车票,拆分成1~3,3~4,4~6,则3~4售出,且多了1~3和4~6各一张. 要求: 使用C/C++,数据结构自定义,可以使用STL,至少实现以下函数接口(可以添加函数) 注意: 为了简化,只有一条单向线路。 */ /*1. 初始化函数 StationNum :站点个数,2<=StationNum <=30,分别是从1…. StationNum TicketCount :车票数,1<=TicketCount<=1000,初始时只有从起始站点1到末尾站点StationNum的车票 成功返回0,失败返回-1 */ int SetOneTrainLine(int StationNum,unsigned int TicketCount) { } /*2. 出售车票函数 SrcStationId为源站 DestStationId为目标站 成功返回0,失败返回-1(例如SrcStationId>=DestStationId则返回-1) */ int CellTickets(int SrcStationId, int DestStationId) { } /*3. 查询车票数量 SrcStationId为源站 DestStationId为目标站 包含大于指定查询区间的车票数。例如:1,2,3,4站,1~4有1张,2~3有1张,则查询2~3区间车票数量时就 返回2张。 没有就返回0; */ int FindLeft0,Tickets(int SrcStationId, int DestStationId) { }
@赵4老师 请教高手。!
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> typedef struct TICKET_NODES_ST { int srcStationId; int endStationId; struct TICKET_NODES_ST *pNext; }TICKET_NODES_T; TICKET_NODES_T freeNodesHead = {0,0,NULL}; TICKET_NODES_T useNodesHead = {0,0,NULL}; //create nodes TICKET_NODES_T *createNode(int srcStationId,int endStationId) { TICKET_NODES_T *pTickNode; pTickNode = (TICKET_NODES_T *)malloc(sizeof TICKET_NODES_T); assert(pTickNode != NULL); pTickNode->srcStationId = srcStationId; pTickNode->endStationId = endStationId; return pTickNode; } //append nodes void appendNode(TICKET_NODES_T *nodesList,TICKET_NODES_T *pNode) { while(nodesList->pNext != NULL) { nodesList = nodesList->pNext; } pNode->pNext = NULL; nodesList->pNext = pNode; } //delete nodes void deleteNodeByAddress(TICKET_NODES_T *nodesList,TICKET_NODES_T *pNode) { while(nodesList != NULL) { if(nodesList->pNext != pNode) { nodesList = nodesList->pNext; continue; } nodesList->pNext = pNode->pNext; free(pNode); break; } } //get nodes score int getNodeScore(TICKET_NODES_T *pNode,int srcStationId,int endStationId) { if(pNode->srcStationId > srcStationId || pNode->endStationId < endStationId) { return -1; } return (srcStationId - pNode->srcStationId) + (pNode->endStationId - endStationId); } int querTickes(int srcStation,int endStation) { int tickes; TICKET_NODES_T *pNodes = freeNodesHead.pNext; tickes = 0; while(pNodes != NULL) { if(getNodeScore(pNodes,srcStation,endStation) >= 0) { tickes++; } pNodes = pNodes->pNext; } return tickes; } int sellTickes(int srcStation,int endStation) { int tmpScore; TICKET_NODES_T *pNodes,*pTmp,*pBefore,*pMid,*pEnd; tmpScore = 0x0FFFFFF; pNodes = freeNodesHead.pNext; while(pNodes != NULL) { int score = getNodeScore(pNodes,srcStation,endStation); if(score > 0 && score < tmpScore) { tmpScore = score; pTmp = pNodes; } pNodes = pNodes->pNext; } if(tmpScore == 0x0FFFFFF) { return -1; } //success pBefore = pMid = pEnd = NULL; if(pTmp->srcStationId < srcStation) { pBefore = createNode(pTmp->srcStationId,srcStation); } pMid = createNode(srcStation,endStation); if(endStation < pTmp->endStationId) { pEnd = createNode(endStation,pTmp->endStationId); } deleteNodeByAddress(&freeNodesHead,pTmp); if(NULL != pBefore) { appendNode(&freeNodesHead,pBefore); } appendNode(&useNodesHead,pMid); if(NULL != pEnd) { appendNode(&freeNodesHead,pEnd); } return 0; } int querySoldTicks(void) { int num; TICKET_NODES_T *pNode = useNodesHead.pNext;; num = 0; while(pNode != NULL) { printf("srcId %d -->endId %d\n",pNode->srcStationId,pNode->endStationId); pNode = pNode->pNext; } return 0; } int initTickSystemParam(int stationNum,int ticksNum) { int i; for(i = 0; i < ticksNum; i++) { appendNode(&freeNodesHead,createNode(1,stationNum)); } return 0; } int main() { int stationNum,ticksNum,userInputId; int startId,endId; printf("input how many stations:"); scanf("%d",&stationNum); printf("input how many ticksNumber"); scanf("%d",&ticksNum); if(stationNum < 2 || ticksNum< 1) { printf("param err\n"); return 0; } initTickSystemParam(stationNum,ticksNum); while(1) { printf("=============================================\n"); printf("1 Query Ticks by srcStationId and endStationId\n"); printf("2 SellTickes by srcStationId and endStationId\n"); printf("3 Query Ticks that has sold\n"); printf("please entry:"); scanf("%d",&userInputId); printf("\n\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"); switch(userInputId) { case 1: printf("startId:"); scanf("%d",&startId); printf("endId:"); scanf("%d",&endId); if((ticksNum = querTickes(startId,endId)) < 0) { printf("on ticks \n"); } else { printf("has %d ticks\n",ticksNum); } break; case 2: printf("startId:"); scanf("%d",&startId); printf("endId:"); scanf("%d",&endId); if(sellTickes(startId,endId) < 0) { printf("sell error no ticks\n"); } else { printf("sell success\n"); } break; case 3: querySoldTicks(); break; defalut: break; } printf("\n\n<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); } }