如何删除WinForm WebBrowser Cookie

.Net技术 码拜 10年前 (2015-03-06) 2953次浏览 0个评论

C# WinForm 删除 WebBrowser Cookie,网上很多都是类似

int count = webBrowser2.Document.Cookie.Length;

How to delete WebBrowser Cookie from windows.form

I am working with the Webbrowser control on a windows.form application written in C#. I would like to write a method for deleting the cookies from the Webbrowers control after it visits a certain site. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to do that exactly and haven’t found a lot of help on the internet.

If anyone has experience actually doing this, not just hypothetical because it might be trickier than it seems, I don’t know.

int count = webBrowser2.Document.Cookie.Length;

I would just assume something like the above code would work but I guess it won’t. Can anyone shed some light on this whole cookie thing?


If you have JavaScript enabled you can just use this code snippet to clear to clear the cookies for the site the webbrowser is currently on.

webBrowser.Navigate("javascript:void((function(){var a,b,c,e,f;f=0;a=document.cookie.split('; ');for(e=0;e<a.length&&a[e];e++){f++;for(b='.'+location.host;b;b=b.replace(/^(?:%5C.|[^%5C.]+)/,'')){for(c=location.pathname;c;c=c.replace(/.$/,'')){document.cookie=(a[e]+'; domain='+b+'; path='+c+'; expires='+new Date((new Date()).getTime()-1e11).toGMTString());}}}})())")

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