#ifndef LISTQUEUE_H_ #define LISTQUEUE_H_ #include <iostream> using namespace std; template<class T> struct ListQueueNode { T data; ListQueueNode<T> * link; }; template<class T> class ListQueue{ private: ListQueueNode<T> * front, *rear; public: ListQueue(); ~ListQueue(); void EnQueue(const T & x); bool DeQueue(T & x); friend ostream & operator<<<>(ostream & os, ListQueue<T> & l); }; template<class T> ListQueue<T>::ListQueue() { front = rear = NULL; } template<class T> ListQueue<T>::~ListQueue() { ListQueueNode<T> * temp; while (front->link != NULL) //删除至队列的最后一个节点 { temp = front; front = front->link; delete temp; } } template<class T> void ListQueue<T>::EnQueue(const T & x) { if (front == NULL)//假如对列为空则该节点成为队列的第一个节点 { ListQueueNode<T> * newNode = new ListQueueNode < T >; front = rear = newNode; newNode->data = x; } else//队列不为空 { ListQueueNode<T> * newNode = new ListQueueNode < T >; newNode->data = x; rear->link = newNode; rear = newNode; } } template<class T> bool ListQueue<T>::DeQueue(T & x) { if (front == NULL) { cout << "队列为空,无法进行出队列操作!" << endl; return false; } else { ListQueueNode<T> * temp; temp = front; front = front->link; x = temp->data; delete temp; } } template<class T> ostream & operator<<<>(ostream & os, ListQueue<T> & l) //友元函数,重载操作符<< { while (l.front != NULL) //当队列不为空时继续输出 { os << l.front->data << " "; //进行调试后,本人知道是这里除了问题, l.front = l.front->link; } return os; } #endif
// ex3-25.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "ListQueue.h" int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { ListQueue<int> a; int value; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) //初始化,为简单起见,测试程序默认输入5个节点,当然可以随意决定输入节点数,原因是这是链表表示的队列,所以不会产生溢出 { cout << "请输入插入的第" << i + 1 << "个节点的值: "; cin >> value; a.EnQueue(value); } cout << a; //确认输入的5个节点值 int temp; a.DeQueue(temp); //进行出队列测试 cout << a; //检查出队列结果 system("pause"); return 0; }
局部变量 l.front替代ListQueue<T>&会调用拷贝构造,导致析构出错的
上面EnQueue函数里,应该将newNode->link = NULL;否则最后一个元素的link不是NULL会崩
上面EnQueue函数里,应该将newNode->link = NULL;否则最后一个元素的link不是NULL会崩
#ifndef LISTQUEUE_H_ #define LISTQUEUE_H_ #include <iostream> using namespace std; template<class T> struct ListQueueNode { T data; ListQueueNode<T> * link; }; template<class T> class ListQueue{ private: ListQueueNode<T> * front, *rear; public: ListQueue(); ~ListQueue(); void EnQueue(const T & x); bool DeQueue(T & x); friend ostream & operator<<<>(ostream & os, ListQueue<T> &l); }; template<class T> ListQueue<T>::ListQueue() { front = rear = NULL; } template<class T> ListQueue<T>::~ListQueue() { ListQueueNode<T> * temp; while (front->link != NULL) //删除至队列的最后一个节点 { temp = front; front = front->link; delete temp; } } template<class T> void ListQueue<T>::EnQueue(const T & x) { if (front == NULL)//假如对列为空则该节点成为队列的第一个节点 { ListQueueNode<T> * newNode = new ListQueueNode < T >; front = rear = newNode; newNode->data = x; } else//队列不为空 { ListQueueNode<T> * newNode = new ListQueueNode < T >; newNode->link = NULL; newNode->data = x; rear->link = newNode; rear = newNode; } } template<class T> bool ListQueue<T>::DeQueue(T & x) { if (front == NULL) { cout << "队列为空,无法进行出队列操作!" << endl; return false; } else { ListQueueNode<T> * temp; temp = front; front = front->link; x = temp->data; delete temp; } } template<class T> ostream & operator<<<>(ostream & os, ListQueue<T> &l) //友元函数,重载操作符<< { ListQueueNode<T> *temp = l.front; while (l.front != NULL) //当队列不为空时继续输出 { os << l.front->data << " "; //进行调试后,本人知道是这里除了问题, l.front = l.front->link; } os << endl; l.front = temp; return os; } #endif