// 9_6.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // //#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> //#include <cstdio> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; #define MAX_COMMODITY_NUM 100 #define COM_PERO_LEN 30 struct _comStrc { char sNo[COM_PERO_LEN]; char sType[COM_PERO_LEN]; char sWhereCounter[COM_PERO_LEN]; float price; int iTotal; long lDate; }; _comStrc InputCommInfo() { _comStrc m_comm; fflush(stdin); cout << setw(45) << "商品信息输入:\n"; cout << setw(30) << "商品编号:"; //gets(m_comm.sNo); gets_s(m_comm.sNo);//安全你妈逼!非要用这破逼东西才编译通过 // getline(cin, m_comm.sNo); cout << setw(30) << "商品类型:"; gets_s(m_comm.sType); cout << setw(30) << "存储柜台:"; gets_s(m_comm.sWhereCounter); cout << setw(30) << "商品单价:"; cin >> m_comm.price; cout << setw(30) << "商品数量:"; cin >> m_comm.iTotal; cout << setw(30) << "生产日期:"; cin >> m_comm.lDate; return m_comm; } void WriteCommodityData(char *fname,_comStrc *com,int iLen) { FILE *fp; if (NULL==(fp=fopen(fname,"ab")))//可写二进制数据 { printf("can not open file!\n"); exit(1); } fwrite(&iLen,sizeof(int),1,fp); if (ferror(fp)) { cout << "写入商品数量时出错,请检查一下,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!\n"; fclose(fp); return; } fwrite(com, sizeof(_comStrc), iLen, fp);//一次写入多个 fclose(fp); } void ReadCommodity(char *fname,_comStrc *com,int &iLen) { FILE *fp; if (NULL==(fp=fopen(fname,"rb"))) { printf("can not open file!\n"); exit(1); } if (feof(fp)) { cout << "抱歉,文件是空的!"; return; } fread(&iLen,sizeof(int),1,fp); printf("读出的商品个数:%d\n", iLen); if (ferror(fp)) { printf("从文件中读商品数量时出错!\n"); fclose(fp); return; } if (fread(com,sizeof(_comStrc),iLen,fp) != iLen) { printf("read file error!"); fclose(fp); exit(1); } cout.setf(ios::left); printf("读出的商品信息如下:\n"); cout << setw(10) << "商品编号" << setw(10) << "商品类型" << setw(10) << "存储柜台" << setw(10) << "商品单价" << setw(10) << "商品数量" << setw(10) << "生产日期" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < iLen; i++) { cout << setw(10) << com[i].sNo << setw(10) << com[i].sType << setw(10) << com[i].sWhereCounter << setw(10) << com[i].price << setw(10) << com[i].iTotal << setw(10) << com[i].lDate << endl; } cout.unsetf(ios::left); fclose(fp); } #define COMM_LEN 3 int main() { int iLen = 0; char filename[20] = { 0 }; _comStrc m_comm[COMM_LEN], m_rcomm[COMM_LEN]; printf("请输入要写入商品信息的文件名:\n"); scanf("%s", filename); printf("请输入%d个商品的信息:\n",COMM_LEN); for (size_t i = 0; i < COMM_LEN; i++) { m_comm[i] = InputCommInfo(); /*int iRet = sizeof(m_comm[i]);//for test iRet = sizeof(_comStrc); iRet = 0;*/ } WriteCommodityData(filename, m_comm, COMM_LEN); ReadCommodity(filename, m_rcomm, iLen); return 0; }
gets_s(m_comm.sNo, COM_PERO_LEN );
char sWhereCounter[COM_PERO_LEN]; fgets(sWhereCounter,COM_PERO_LEN,stdin); if ("\n"==sWhereCounter[strlen(sWhereCounter)-1]) sWhereCounter[strlen(sWhereCounter)-1]=0;
谢谢你的回答,但是假如真是浅拷贝引起的,应该都得不到输入( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊!为什么本人总是结构体的第一个成员 char sNo[COM_PERO_LEN];得不到输入,而后面的5个成员都能正确得到输入呢?
char sType[COM_PERO_LEN];
char sWhereCounter[COM_PERO_LEN];
float price;
int iTotal;
long lDate;涉及到内存管理的问题,具体的实现不太明白。
下面的代码应该可以运行struct _comStrc { _comStrc(const _comStrc &c) { strcpy(c.sNo,sNo); strcpy(c.sType,sType); strcpy(c.sWhereCounter,sWhereCounter); c.price=price; c.iTotal=iTotal; c.lDate=lDate; } char sNo[COM_PERO_LEN]; char sType[COM_PERO_LEN]; char sWhereCounter[COM_PERO_LEN]; float price; int iTotal; long lDate; };你好,本人按你说的,修改结构体定义后,还没编译就报错,提示const类型不兼容
1>– Build started: Project: 9_6, Configuration: Debug Win32 —
1> 9_6.cpp
1>d:\vs2015exercise\文件操作\9_6\9_6\9_6.cpp(27): error C2664: “char *strcpy(char *,const char *)”: cannot convert argument 1 from “const char [30]” to “char *”
1> d:\vs2015exercise\文件操作\9_6\9_6\9_6.cpp(27): note: Conversion loses qualifiers
1>d:\vs2015exercise\文件操作\9_6\9_6\9_6.cpp(28): error C2664: “char *strcpy(char *,const char *)”: cannot convert argument 1 from “const char [30]” to “char *”
1> d:\vs2015exercise\文件操作\9_6\9_6\9_6.cpp(28): note: Conversion loses qualifiers
1>d:\vs2015exercise\文件操作\9_6\9_6\9_6.cpp(29): error C2664: “char *strcpy(char *,const char *)”: cannot convert argument 1 from “const char [30]” to “char *”
1> d:\vs2015exercise\文件操作\9_6\9_6\9_6.cpp(29): note: Conversion loses qualifiers
1>d:\vs2015exercise\文件操作\9_6\9_6\9_6.cpp(30): error C3490: “price” cannot be modified because it is being accessed through a const object
1>d:\vs2015exercise\文件操作\9_6\9_6\9_6.cpp(31): error C3490: “iTotal” cannot be modified because it is being accessed through a const object
1>d:\vs2015exercise\文件操作\9_6\9_6\9_6.cpp(32): error C3490: “lDate” cannot be modified because it is being accessed through a const object
1>d:\vs2015exercise\文件操作\9_6\9_6\9_6.cpp(43): error C2512: “_comStrc”: no appropriate default constructor available
1> d:\vs2015exercise\文件操作\9_6\9_6\9_6.cpp(24): note: see declaration of “_comStrc”
1>d:\vs2015exercise\文件操作\9_6\9_6\9_6.cpp(165): error C2512: “_comStrc”: no appropriate default constructor available
1> d:\vs2015exercise\文件操作\9_6\9_6\9_6.cpp(24): note: see declaration of “_comStrc”
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
struct _comStrc { _comStrc() {} _comStrc(const _comStrc &c) { strcpy(sNo,c.sNo); strcpy(sType,c.sType); strcpy(sWhereCounter,c.sWhereCounter); price=c.price; iTotal=c.iTotal; lDate=c.lDate; } char sNo[COM_PERO_LEN]; char sType[COM_PERO_LEN]; char sWhereCounter[COM_PERO_LEN]; float price; int iTotal; long lDate; };