/* 初始化数组 prime{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20......n} sieve{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20......n} 第一次删除2倍数得到数组 prime{0,1,0,3,0,5,0,7,0,9,0,11,0,13,0,15,0,17,0,19,0......n} 2的倍数是{4,6,8,10......}/2-->{2,3,4,5......}-->取模-->sieve{3,5,7,11,13,17,19,......n} 下一次删除的就是sieve[0]的倍数,刚好它要删除的倍数都在sieve数组里。同样得到新的sieve数组 进行下一次计算。 算法是每个非质数只删除一次 下一步再做优化 prime数组{0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1....,0,0,0,1,0,1} 6n-1 6n+1 sieve数组{5,7,11,13,17,19},2424规则 从质数5开始 (sieve[j] % i)此段工作量少了2/3 */ int creat_prime(int prime[], int sieve[], int n) { register int i, j, k, l; for (i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) { prime[i]=sieve[i] = i; } l = 1; for (i = 2, j = 2; l != 0; i = sieve[0]) { l = 0; k = i * i;//从此数开始作标记 while (k <= n) { if (sieve[j] % i) sieve[l++] = sieve[j];//存储下一轮(FOR)循环的质数倍数 prime[k] = 0;//非质数标记为0 k = i * sieve[++j];//下一个合数 } j = 0; } //for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) if (prime[i]) printf("%d ", i); return 0; }
for (i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) { if(i >= 6) { if(i % 2 && i % 3) prime[i] = 1; else prime[i] = 0; } else prime[i] = i; }
多个1/3 没关系不然直接写到文件里,并且写成C语言数组形式好了
当然,你也可以把 N内的素数全部写成 数组
多个1/3 没关系不然直接写到文件里,并且写成C语言数组形式好了
当然,你也可以把 N内的素数全部写成 数组
page ,132
title memset – set sections of memory all to one byte
;memset.asm – set a section of memory to all one byte
; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; contains the memset() routine
include cruntime.inc
;char *memset(dst, value, count) – sets “count” bytes at “dst” to “value”
; Sets the first “count” bytes of the memory starting
; at “dst” to the character value “value”.
; Algorithm:
; char *
; memset (dst, value, count)
; char *dst;
; char value;
; unsigned int count;
; {
; char *start = dst;
; while (count–)
; *dst++ = value;
; return(start);
; }
; char *dst – pointer to memory to fill with value
; char value – value to put in dst bytes
; int count – number of bytes of dst to fill
; returns dst, with filled bytes
extrn _VEC_memzero:near
extrn __sse2_available:dword
public memset
memset proc \
dst:ptr byte, \
value:byte, \
.FPO ( 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
mov edx,[esp + 0ch] ; edx = “count”
mov ecx,[esp + 4] ; ecx points to “dst”
test edx,edx ; 0?
jz short toend ; if so, nothing to do
xor eax,eax
mov al,[esp + 8] ; the byte “value” to be stored
; Special case large block zeroing using SSE2 support
test al,al ; memset using zero initializer?
jne dword_align
cmp edx,080h ; block size exceeds size threshold?
jb dword_align
cmp DWORD PTR __sse2_available,0 ; SSE2 supported?
je dword_align
jmp _VEC_memzero ; use fast zero SSE2 implementation
; no return
; Align address on dword boundary
push edi ; preserve edi
mov edi,ecx ; edi = dest pointer
cmp edx,4 ; if it””s less then 4 bytes
jb tail ; tail needs edi and edx to be initialized
neg ecx
and ecx,3 ; ecx = # bytes before dword boundary
jz short dwords ; jump if address already aligned
sub edx,ecx ; edx = adjusted count (for later)
mov [edi],al
add edi,1
sub ecx,1
jnz adjust_loop
; set all 4 bytes of eax to [value]
mov ecx,eax ; ecx=0/0/0/value
shl eax,8 ; eax=0/0/value/0
add eax,ecx ; eax=0/0val/val
mov ecx,eax ; ecx=0/0/val/val
shl eax,10h ; eax=val/val/0/0
add eax,ecx ; eax = all 4 bytes = [value]
; Set dword-sized blocks
mov ecx,edx ; move original count to ecx
and edx,3 ; prepare in edx byte count (for tail loop)
shr ecx,2 ; adjust ecx to be dword count
jz tail ; jump if it was less then 4 bytes
rep stosd
test edx,edx ; if there is no tail bytes,
jz finish ; we finish, and it””s time to leave
; Set remaining bytes
mov [edi],al ; set remaining bytes
add edi,1
sub edx,1 ; if there is some more bytes
jnz tail ; continue to fill them
; Done
mov eax,[esp + 8] ; return dest pointer
pop edi ; restore edi
mov eax,[esp + 4] ; return dest pointer
memset endp
title memset – set sections of memory all to one byte
;memset.asm – set a section of memory to all one byte
; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; contains the memset() routine
include cruntime.inc
;char *memset(dst, value, count) – sets “count” bytes at “dst” to “value”
; Sets the first “count” bytes of the memory starting
; at “dst” to the character value “value”.
; Algorithm:
; char *
; memset (dst, value, count)
; char *dst;
; char value;
; unsigned int count;
; {
; char *start = dst;
; while (count–)
; *dst++ = value;
; return(start);
; }
; char *dst – pointer to memory to fill with value
; char value – value to put in dst bytes
; int count – number of bytes of dst to fill
; returns dst, with filled bytes
extrn _VEC_memzero:near
extrn __sse2_available:dword
public memset
memset proc \
dst:ptr byte, \
value:byte, \
.FPO ( 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
mov edx,[esp + 0ch] ; edx = “count”
mov ecx,[esp + 4] ; ecx points to “dst”
test edx,edx ; 0?
jz short toend ; if so, nothing to do
xor eax,eax
mov al,[esp + 8] ; the byte “value” to be stored
; Special case large block zeroing using SSE2 support
test al,al ; memset using zero initializer?
jne dword_align
cmp edx,080h ; block size exceeds size threshold?
jb dword_align
cmp DWORD PTR __sse2_available,0 ; SSE2 supported?
je dword_align
jmp _VEC_memzero ; use fast zero SSE2 implementation
; no return
; Align address on dword boundary
push edi ; preserve edi
mov edi,ecx ; edi = dest pointer
cmp edx,4 ; if it””s less then 4 bytes
jb tail ; tail needs edi and edx to be initialized
neg ecx
and ecx,3 ; ecx = # bytes before dword boundary
jz short dwords ; jump if address already aligned
sub edx,ecx ; edx = adjusted count (for later)
mov [edi],al
add edi,1
sub ecx,1
jnz adjust_loop
; set all 4 bytes of eax to [value]
mov ecx,eax ; ecx=0/0/0/value
shl eax,8 ; eax=0/0/value/0
add eax,ecx ; eax=0/0val/val
mov ecx,eax ; ecx=0/0/val/val
shl eax,10h ; eax=val/val/0/0
add eax,ecx ; eax = all 4 bytes = [value]
; Set dword-sized blocks
mov ecx,edx ; move original count to ecx
and edx,3 ; prepare in edx byte count (for tail loop)
shr ecx,2 ; adjust ecx to be dword count
jz tail ; jump if it was less then 4 bytes
rep stosd
test edx,edx ; if there is no tail bytes,
jz finish ; we finish, and it””s time to leave
; Set remaining bytes
mov [edi],al ; set remaining bytes
add edi,1
sub edx,1 ; if there is some more bytes
jnz tail ; continue to fill them
; Done
mov eax,[esp + 8] ; return dest pointer
pop edi ; restore edi
mov eax,[esp + 4] ; return dest pointer
memset endp
#include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> __declspec(naked) __int64 __cdecl GetCycle(void) { __asm { rdtsc ret } } __declspec(naked) void EmuRepStosd(void* d, size_t n) { // esp + 4 d // esp + 8 n __asm { push edi xor eax, eax mov edi, [esp+4+4] mov ecx, [esp+8+4] cld rep stosd pop edi ret } } int main(int argc, CHAR* argv[]) { #define LOOPSW 20 #define NUMSW 0x50000 __declspec(align(16)) static char arrays[NUMSW]; __int64 tInit, tMemset, tRepSto; int i; for (i=0;i<LOOPSW;i++) { // cache ready ... ZeroMemory(&arrays[0], sizeof(arrays)); ZeroMemory(&arrays[0], sizeof(arrays)); ZeroMemory(&arrays[0], sizeof(arrays)); ZeroMemory(&arrays[0], sizeof(arrays)); // get Memset Ticks head addr align 16 tInit=GetCycle(); ZeroMemory(&arrays[0], sizeof(arrays)/2); tMemset=GetCycle()-tInit; // get Rep OPR Ticks head addr 0xNNNNNNN1 (unaligned) tInit=GetCycle(); EmuRepStosd(&arrays[1],sizeof(arrays)/2/4/*DWORD NUMS*/); tRepSto=GetCycle()-tInit; printf("REP TIME:%I64d CRT TIME:%I64d\n",tRepSto,tMemset); } }