select appid, sum(ordermoney) summoney
,sum(case when startdatetime>=”2016-07-18″ and startdatetime<“2016-07-19″ then ordermoney else 0 end) as day1
,sum(case when startdatetime>=”2016-07-19” and startdatetime<“2016-07-20″ then ordermoney else 0 end) as day2
,sum(case when startdatetime>=”2016-07-20” and startdatetime<“2016-07-21″ then ordermoney else 0 end) as day3
,sum(case when startdatetime>=”2016-07-21” and startdatetime<“2016-07-22″ then ordermoney else 0 end) as day4
,sum(case when startdatetime>=”2016-07-22” and startdatetime<“2016-07-23″ then ordermoney else 0 end) as day5
,sum(case when startdatetime>=”2016-07-23” and startdatetime<“2016-07-24″ then ordermoney else 0 end) as day6
,sum(case when startdatetime>=”2016-07-24” and startdatetime<“2016-07-25″ then ordermoney else 0 end) as day7
from cashorder_tb force index(ix_cash_000000_tb_startdatetime)
where startdatetime>=”2016-07-18” and startdatetime<“2016-07-25”
group by appid
order by summoney desc
limit 10;
表的appid, startdatetime也都单独做了索引
这样查询出来,时间多达7s, 已经超时了。
另外explain了这条语句, 原因是加了force index,所以走的startdatetime字段索引, 但是不加,走的却是appid的字段索引。
求指导,需要怎么样优化才能降低查询时间? 谢谢
select appid, sum(ordermoney) summoney
,sum(case when startdatetime>=”2016-07-18″ and startdatetime<“2016-07-19″ then ordermoney else 0 end) as day1
,sum(case when startdatetime>=”2016-07-19” and startdatetime<“2016-07-20″ then ordermoney else 0 end) as day2
,sum(case when startdatetime>=”2016-07-20” and startdatetime<“2016-07-21″ then ordermoney else 0 end) as day3
,sum(case when startdatetime>=”2016-07-21” and startdatetime<“2016-07-22″ then ordermoney else 0 end) as day4
,sum(case when startdatetime>=”2016-07-22” and startdatetime<“2016-07-23″ then ordermoney else 0 end) as day5
,sum(case when startdatetime>=”2016-07-23” and startdatetime<“2016-07-24″ then ordermoney else 0 end) as day6
,sum(case when startdatetime>=”2016-07-24” and startdatetime<“2016-07-25″ then ordermoney else 0 end) as day7
from cashorder_tb force index(ix_cash_000000_tb_startdatetime)
where startdatetime>=”2016-07-18” and startdatetime<“2016-07-25”
group by appid
order by summoney desc
limit 10;
表的appid, startdatetime也都单独做了索引
这样查询出来,时间多达7s, 已经超时了。
另外explain了这条语句, 原因是加了force index,所以走的startdatetime字段索引, 但是不加,走的却是appid的字段索引。
求指导,需要怎么样优化才能降低查询时间? 谢谢
你是先聚合求和,然后再选择前10行,所以 速度快慢和你startdatetime>=”2016-07-18″ and startdatetime<“2016-07-25” 时间段呃逆,有多少数据有关系,假如这段时间内的数据量非常大,那么索引起到的作用就相对小,假如这段时间内的数据较少,例如就1000来条,那么速度应该还能更快。
建议改进索引,试试创建复合索引,包含3个字段: startdatetime,appid,ordermoney
建议改进索引,试试创建复合索引,包含3个字段: startdatetime,appid,ordermoney