LogCat:贴出的错误:01-06 14:05:13.834: E/(1620): file /data/data/com.nvidia.NvCPLSvc/files/driverlist.txt: not found!
#include "E:/OpenCV/OpenCV-2.4.9-android-sdk/sdk/native/jni/include/opencv2/core/core.hpp" #include "E:/OpenCV/OpenCV-2.4.9-android-sdk/sdk/native/jni/include/opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp" #include "E:/OpenCV/OpenCV-2.4.9-android-sdk/sdk/native/jni/include/opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include <E:/AndriodNDK/android_ndk_r9d/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/include/iostream> #include <E:/AndriodNDK/android_ndk_r9d/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/include/fstream> #include <E:/AndriodNDK/android_ndk_r9d/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/include/sstream> #include <facerec_lbph.h> using namespace cv; using namespace std; JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_example_FaceRecognitionLBPH_ImageProc_FacePredict() { // Get the path to your CSV. string fn_csv = "e:/OpenCV/SmallFaceInfo.csv"; // These vectors hold the images and corresponding labels. vector<Mat> images; vector<int> labels; // Read in the data. This can fail if no valid // input filename is given. try { ifstream file(fn_csv.c_str(), ifstream::in); if (!file) { string error_message = "No valid input file was given, please check the given filename."; CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message); } string line, path, classlabel; while (getline(file, line)) { stringstream liness(line); getline(liness, path, "";""); getline(liness, classlabel); if (!path.empty() && !classlabel.empty()) { Mat temp_Image = imread(path,0); if( NULL == temp_Image.data) { string error_message = "Read Image failed."; CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message); } images.push_back(temp_Image); //images.push_back(cvLoadImageM(path,0)); labels.push_back(atoi(classlabel.c_str())); } } } catch (cv::Exception& e) { cerr << "Error opening file "" << fn_csv << "". Reason: " << e.msg << endl; // nothing more we can do exit(1); } // Quit if there are not enough images for this demo. if (images.size() <= 1) { string error_message = "This demo needs at least 2 images to work. Please add more images to your data set!"; CV_Error(CV_StsError, error_message); } int height = images[0].rows; Mat testSample = images[images.size() - 1]; int testLabel = labels[labels.size() - 1]; images.pop_back(); labels.pop_back(); Ptr<FaceRecognizer> model = createLBPHFaceRecognizer(); model->train(images, labels); // The following line predicts the label of a given // test image: jint predictedLabel = (jint)model->predict(testSample); return predictedLabel; }
#include <E:\AndriodNDK\android_ndk_r9d\platforms\android-8\arch-arm\usr\include\jni.h> extern "C" { JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_example_FaceRecognitionLBPH_ImageProc_FacePredict(); }