C++ stack overflow
直接上代码背景: 首先本人定义了个FeatureVector类 class FeatureVector { public: vector<Function*> entities; vector<string> features; myFV featureVector[10000][10000]; FeatureVector()……
04-05 立刻查看
函数是一种callable type吗
c++标准里面说道: 20.8.1 Definitions [func.def] 1 The following definitions apply to this Clause: 2 A call signature is the name of a return type followed by a parenthesized comma-separat……
04-05 立刻查看
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { public: virtual void fun() { cout<<1<<endl; } virtual void fun2() { cout<<2<<endl; } }; class B:pub……
04-05 立刻查看
基类Document的构造函数是Document(string te):text(te){}; 子类成员变量有sender,recipient, text是继承的基类的。 main函数中定义的子类为Email testEmail(“Teng”,”Wang”); 问一下子类的构造函数该怎么写? 本人是这样写……
04-04 立刻查看