struct ns1__ArrayOfSeat
int __sizeSeat; /* sequence of elements <Seat> */
struct ns1__Seat *Seat; /* optional element of type ns1:Seat */
} seats;
struct ns1__Seat
char *Name; /* optional element of type xsd:string */
char *IDCard; /* optional element of type xsd:string */
char *Phone; /* optional element of type xsd:string */
现在有3组数据 {“测试一”,”0001″,”13505710001″} {“测试二”,”0002″,”13505710002″} {“测试三”,”0003″,”13505710003″}
问一下要怎么才能赋值到 seats中?
struct ns1__ArrayOfSeat
int __sizeSeat; /* sequence of elements <Seat> */
struct ns1__Seat *Seat; /* optional element of type ns1:Seat */
} seats;
struct ns1__Seat
char *Name; /* optional element of type xsd:string */
char *IDCard; /* optional element of type xsd:string */
char *Phone; /* optional element of type xsd:string */
现在有3组数据 {“测试一”,”0001″,”13505710001″} {“测试二”,”0002″,”13505710002″} {“测试三”,”0003″,”13505710003″}
问一下要怎么才能赋值到 seats中?
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <malloc.h> typedef struct ns1__ArrayOfSeat { int __sizeSeat; /* sequence of elements <Seat> */ struct ns1__Seat *Seat; /* optional element of type ns1:Seat */ } seats; struct ns1__Seat { char *Name; /* optional element of type xsd:string */ char *IDCard; /* optional element of type xsd:string */ char *Phone; /* optional element of type xsd:string */ }; void main() { seats seatsArray[3] = {0}; seatsArray[0].Seat = (ns1__Seat *)malloc(sizeof(ns1__Seat)); seatsArray[1].Seat = (ns1__Seat *)malloc(sizeof(ns1__Seat)); seatsArray[2].Seat = (ns1__Seat *)malloc(sizeof(ns1__Seat)); seatsArray[0].Seat->IDCard = "测试1"; seatsArray[0].Seat->Name = "0001"; seatsArray[0].Seat->Phone = "13505710001"; seatsArray[1].Seat->IDCard = "测试2"; seatsArray[1].Seat->Name = "0002"; seatsArray[1].Seat->Phone = "13505710002"; seatsArray[2].Seat->IDCard = "测试3"; seatsArray[2].Seat->Name = "0003"; seatsArray[2].Seat->Phone = "13505710003"; printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n",seatsArray[0].Seat->IDCard,seatsArray[0].Seat->Name,seatsArray[0].Seat->Phone); printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n",seatsArray[1].Seat->IDCard,seatsArray[1].Seat->Name,seatsArray[1].Seat->Phone); printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n",seatsArray[2].Seat->IDCard,seatsArray[2].Seat->Name,seatsArray[2].Seat->Phone); }
#include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" typedef struct ns1__ArrayOfSeat { int __sizeSeat; /* sequence of elements <Seat> */ struct ns1__Seat *Seat; /* optional element of type ns1:Seat */ } Seats; typedef struct ns1__Seat { char *Name; /* optional element of type xsd:string */ char *IDCard; /* optional element of type xsd:string */ char *Phone; /* optional element of type xsd:string */ } Seat; void seatsInit(Seats *p_seats) { p_seats->__sizeSeat = 0; p_seats->Seat = (Seat*)malloc(sizeof(Seat) * 1024); } void seatsInsert(Seats *p_seats, Seat *p_seat) { (p_seats->Seat)[p_seats->__sizeSeat++] = *p_seat; } void printSeats(Seats *p_seats) { int i = 0; for( ; i<p_seats->__sizeSeat; i++) { printf("%s %s %s\n", (p_seats->Seat[i]).IDCard, (p_seats->Seat[i]).Name, (p_seats->Seat[i]).Phone); } } void destroySeats(Seats *p_seats) { free(p_seats->Seat); } int main() { Seat s1 = {"测试一","0001","13505710001"}; Seat s2 = {"测试二","0002","13505710002"}; Seat s3 = {"测试三","0003","13505710003"}; Seats ss; seatsInit(&ss); seatsInsert(&ss, &s1); seatsInsert(&ss, &s2); seatsInsert(&ss, &s3); printSeats(&ss); destroySeats(&ss); getchar(); return 0; }
定义的同时进行初始化 struct { char *name; int age; } stu[2] = { {"jo", 27}, {"y", 30} }; 先定义,后初始化,整体赋值 s[1] = (struct stu){23,"hello"} 先定义,后初始化 分开赋值 s[1].age=12; strcpy(stu[1].name, "hello");
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct ns1__ArrayOfSeat SeatsInfo; typedef struct ns1__Seat SeatItem; // 建议用这种方式,或链表的方式。 struct ns1__ArrayOfSeat { int __sizeSeat; SeatItem __itemSeats[]; }; struct ns1__Seat { char *Name; char *IDCard; char *Phone; }; int main(void) { SeatsInfo *lpSeats = malloc(sizeof(SeatsInfo) + sizeof(SeatItem) * 3); if (lpSeats != NULL) { // 分配内存 lpSeats->__sizeSeat = 3; // 假如赋值来自于字符串常量,那么请直接给指针赋值即可。 // 一般来说,这些值都是从其他地方读取,或参数传递等。 // 假如赋值来自于参数或文件,必须用 strdup,最终必须释放。 lpSeats->__itemSeats[0].Name = strdup("测试一"); lpSeats->__itemSeats[0].IDCard = strdup("0001"); lpSeats->__itemSeats[0].Phone = strdup("13505710001"); lpSeats->__itemSeats[1].Name = strdup("测试二"); lpSeats->__itemSeats[1].IDCard = strdup("0002"); lpSeats->__itemSeats[1].Phone = strdup("13505710002"); lpSeats->__itemSeats[2].Name = strdup("测试三"); lpSeats->__itemSeats[2].IDCard = strdup("0003",""); lpSeats->__itemSeats[2].Phone = strdup("13505710003"); // 释放内存 for (int i = 0; i < lpSeats->__sizeSeat; i++) { char *lpName = lpSeats->__itemSeats[i].Name; if (lpName != NULL) { free(lpName); } char *lpIdCard = lpSeats->__itemSeats[i].IDCard; if (lpIdCard != NULL) { free(lpIdCard); } char *lpPhone = lpSeats->__itemSeats[i].Phone; if (lpPhone != NULL) { free(lpPhone); } } free(lpSeats); } return 0; }