#include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define CHLEN 10 void strcatf(char **, char *); int main() { char * s = (char *)malloc(CHLEN); s = "now is the time"; char * t = "now is the time"; strcatf(&s, t); printf("%s\n", s); printf("%s\n", t); free(s); return 0; } /* 将t志向的数据拼接到s指向的数据的结尾 */ void strcatf(char ** s, char * t) { int slen = 0; while (**s++) { *s++; slen++; } int tlen = 0; while (*t++) { tlen++; } if (slen + tlen > CHLEN) { *s = (char *)realloc(*s, slen + tlen); } while (**s++ = *t++); } |
8分 |
char * s = (char *)malloc(CHLEN);//申请一块内存 s = “now is the time”; //指针指向常字符串“now is the time”(上面指针没有释放,已经内存泄漏) char * t = “now is the time”; strcatf(&s, t); //想把字符串 拷贝到 常字符串“now is the time” 的内存处,出错 printf(“%s\n”, s); |
s = “now is the time”;
改成 |
我将s = “now is the time”; 这句代码改了后,这里是不报错了。但strcatf函数里报错了,能看下strcatf函数里有什么错误吗。
判断结尾不是==””\ 0’么,while() 判断的是什么不懂 最后 两个指针都指向结尾了,为什么还要再赋值 |
现在报错的地方是44行*s = (char *)realloc(*s, slen + tlen);报的错误时“无效的旧尺寸”。
12分 |
保存”now is the time”需要16个字节:
#include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define CHLEN 16 void strcatf(char **, char *); int main() { char * s = (char *)malloc(CHLEN); strcpy(s,"now is the time"); char * t = "now is the time"; strcatf(&s, t); printf("%s\n", s); printf("%s\n", t); free(s); return 0; } /* 将指向的数据拼接到s指向的数据的结尾 */ void strcatf(char ** s, char * t) { int slen = 0; while (**s++) { *s++; slen++; } int tlen = 0; while (*t++) { tlen++; } if (slen + tlen > CHLEN) { *s = (char *)realloc(*s, slen + tlen + 1); } while (**s++ = *t++); } |
#include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define CHLEN 20 void strcatf(char **, char *); int main() { char * s = (char *)malloc(CHLEN); strcpy(s, "now is the time"); char * t = "now is the time"; strcatf(&s, t); printf("%s\n", s); printf("%s\n", t); free(s); return 0; } /* 将t志向的数据拼接到s指向的数据的结尾 */ void strcatf(char ** s, char * t) { char * j = *s; int slen = 0; while (*j++) { slen++; } char * i = t; int tlen = 0; while (*i++) { tlen++; } if (slen + tlen > CHLEN) { *s = (char *)realloc(*s, slen + tlen + 1); } while (*((*s) + (slen++)) = *t++); } |
这个我没看懂什么意思,有更详细的文档吗 |
我的意思就是你malloc了10个字节,非要往里放16个字节,操作系统不一定会报错。 #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define CHLEN 20 void strcatf(char **, char *); int main() { char * s = (char *)malloc(CHLEN); if (s==NULL) return 1; strncpy(s, "now is the time",CHLEN-1);s[CHLEN-1]=0; char * t = "now is the time"; strcatf(&s, t); printf("%s\n", s); printf("%s\n", t); free(s); return 0; } /* 将t志向的数据拼接到s指向的数据的结尾 */ void strcatf(char ** s, char * t) { char * j = *s; int slen = 0; while (*j++) { slen++; } char * i = t; int tlen = 0; while (*i++) { tlen++; } if (slen + tlen > CHLEN) { char *p=(char *)realloc(*s, slen + tlen + 1); if (p==NULL) exit(1); *s = p; } while (*((*s) + (slen++)) = *t++); } 小心驶得万年船! |