/*编译时报错,把文件改成cpp后缀,编译通过并且可以运行,底下是代码,最下面是报错信息*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define OVERFLOW -2 #define LISTINCREMENT 10 #define LIST_INIT_SIZE 100 typedef int Status; typedef struct { char name[100]; }ElemType; typedef struct { ElemType *elem; int length; int listsize; }SqList; Status InitList(SqList *L) { L->elem=(ElemType *)malloc(LIST_INIT_SIZE*sizeof(ElemType)); if(!L->elem) exit(OVERFLOW); L->length=0; L->listsize=LIST_INIT_SIZE; return OK; } Status ListInsert(SqList *L,int i,ElemType e) { ElemType *newbase,*p,*q; if(i<1||i>L->length+1) return ERROR; if(L->length>=L->listsize) { newbase=(ElemType *)realloc(L->elem,(L->listsize+LISTINCREMENT)*sizeof(ElemType)); if(!newbase) exit(OVERFLOW); L->elem=newbase; L->listsize+=LISTINCREMENT; } q=L->elem+i-1; for(p=L->elem+L->length-1;p>=q;--p) *(p+1)=*p; *q=e; ++L->length; return OK; } Status ListDelete(SqList *L,int i,ElemType *e) { ElemType *p,*q; if(i<1||i>L->length) return ERROR; p=L->elem+i-1; *e=*p; q=L->elem+L->length-1; for(++p;p<=q;p++) *(p-1)=*p; L->length--; return OK; } int LocateElem(SqList *L,ElemType e,Status (*compare)(ElemType,ElemType)) { ElemType *p; int i=1; p=L->elem; while(i<=L->length&&!compare(*p++,e)) ++i; if(i<=L->length) return i; else return 0; } Status cmp(ElemType e1, ElemType e2) { return (Status)!strcmp(e1.name,e2.name); } void ListShow(SqList *L) { int i; for(i=0;i<L->length;i++) { if(i) printf(" "); printf("%s",L->elem[i].name); } printf("\n"); } int main() { //SqList *namelist=(SqList *)malloc(sizeof(SqList)); SqList namelist; InitList(&namelist); char strInstruct[10]; int pos; ElemType e; while(~scanf("%s",strInstruct)) { if(!strcmp(strInstruct,"insert")) { scanf("%d%s",&pos,e.name); ListInsert(&namelist,pos,e); } else if(!strcmp(strInstruct,"show")) { ListShow(&namelist); } else if(!strcmp(strInstruct,"delete")) { scanf("%s",e.name); pos=LocateElem(&namelist,e,cmp); ListDelete(&namelist,pos,&e); } else if(!strcmp(strInstruct,"search")) { scanf("%s",e.name); printf("%d\n",LocateElem(&namelist,e,cmp)); } } return 0; }//C编译时报错,把文件改成cpp后缀,编译通过并且可以运行,以下是错误代码
BigBang.c e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(85) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ";" before "type" e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(86) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ";" before "type" e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(87) : error C2275: "ElemType" : illegal use of this type as an expression e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(13) : see declaration of "ElemType" e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(87) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ";" before identifier "e" e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(87) : error C2065: "e" : undeclared identifier e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(88) : error C2065: "strInstruct" : undeclared identifier e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(90) : warning C4047: "function" : "const char *" differs in levels of indirection from "int " e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(90) : warning C4024: "strcmp" : different types for formal and actual parameter 1 e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(92) : error C2065: "pos" : undeclared identifier e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(92) : error C2224: left of ".name" must have struct/union type e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(93) : error C2115: "function" : incompatible types e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(93) : warning C4024: "ListInsert" : different types for formal and actual parameter 3 e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(95) : warning C4047: "function" : "const char *" differs in levels of indirection from "int " e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(95) : warning C4024: "strcmp" : different types for formal and actual parameter 1 e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(99) : warning C4047: "function" : "const char *" differs in levels of indirection from "int " e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(99) : warning C4024: "strcmp" : different types for formal and actual parameter 1 e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(101) : error C2224: left of ".name" must have struct/union type e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(102) : error C2115: "function" : incompatible types e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(102) : warning C4024: "LocateElem" : different types for formal and actual parameter 2 e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(103) : warning C4133: "function" : incompatible types - from "int *" to "struct ElemType *" e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(105) : warning C4047: "function" : "const char *" differs in levels of indirection from "int " e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(105) : warning C4024: "strcmp" : different types for formal and actual parameter 1 e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(107) : error C2224: left of ".name" must have struct/union type e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(108) : error C2115: "function" : incompatible types e:\数据结构\sjjg\bigbang\bigbang.c(108) : warning C4024: "LocateElem" : different types for formal and actual parameter 2 执行 cl.exe 时出错.
int main() { //SqList *namelist=(SqList *)malloc(sizeof(SqList)); SqList namelist; char strInstruct[10]; int pos; ElemType e; InitList(&namelist); while(~scanf("%s",strInstruct)) { if(!strcmp(strInstruct,"insert")) { scanf("%d%s",&pos,e.name); ListInsert(&namelist,pos,e); } else if(!strcmp(strInstruct,"show")) { ListShow(&namelist); } else if(!strcmp(strInstruct,"delete")) { scanf("%s",e.name); pos=LocateElem(&namelist,e,cmp); ListDelete(&namelist,pos,&e); } else if(!strcmp(strInstruct,"search")) { scanf("%s",e.name); printf("%d\n",LocateElem(&namelist,e,cmp)); } } return 0; }//C编译时报错,把文件改成cpp后缀,编译通过并且可以运行,以下是错误代码
//SqList *namelist=(SqList *)malloc(sizeof(SqList));
SqList namelist;
SqList namelist;
char strInstruct[10];
int pos;
ElemType e;
这样编译通过 你试试