* Update: 2012-11-26
* the circular fifo used in “circularfifo_hazard_platform_dependent.hpp”
* is EXTREMELY platform dependent and should never be used except for testing
* purposes. For all intents and purposes THIS “circlarfifo_hazard” should be
* considered BROKEN
* Not any company”s property but Public-Domain
* Do with source-code as you will. No requirement to keep this
* header if need to use it/change it/ or do whatever with it
* Note that there is No guarantee that this code will work. And is actually
* proven to FAIL in the unit-test. I take no responsibility for this
* code and any problems you might get if using it.
* Code & platform dependent issues with it was originally
* published at http://www.kjellkod.cc/threadsafecircularqueue
* 2009-11-02
* @author Kjell Hedstr鰉, hedstrom@kjellkod.cc */
namespace hazard_by_convention {
/** Circular Fifo (a.k.a. Circular Buffer)
* Thread safe for one reader, and one writer */
template<typename Element, unsigned int Size>
class CircularFifo {
enum {Capacity = Size+1};
CircularFifo() : tail(0), head(0){}
virtual ~CircularFifo() {}
bool push(const Element& item_);
bool pop(Element& item_);
bool wasEmpty() const;
bool wasFull() const;
volatile unsigned int tail; // input index
Element array[Capacity];
volatile unsigned int head; // output index
unsigned int increment(unsigned int idx_) const;
// not allowed to copy nor assign
CircularFifo(const CircularFifo&);
void operator=(const CircularFifo&);
/** Producer only: Adds item to the circular queue.
* If queue is full at “push” operation no update/overwrite
* will happen, it is up to the caller to handle this case
* \param item_ copy by reference the input item
* \return whether operation was successful or not */
template<typename Element, unsigned int Size>
bool CircularFifo<Element, Size>::push(const Element& item_)
auto nextTail = increment(tail);
if(nextTail != head)
array[tail] = item_;
tail = nextTail;
return true;
// queue was full
return false;
/** Consumer only: Removes and returns item from the queue
* If queue is empty at “pop” operation no retrieve will happen
* It is up to the caller to handle this case
* \param item_ return by reference the wanted item
* \return whether operation was successful or not */
template<typename Element, unsigned int Size>
bool CircularFifo<Element, Size>::pop(Element& item_)
if(head == tail)
return false; // empty queue
item_ = array[head];
head = increment(head);
return true;
/** Useful for testinng and Consumer check of status
* Remember that the “empty” status can change quickly
* as the Procuder adds more items.
* \return true if circular buffer is empty */
template<typename Element, unsigned int Size>
bool CircularFifo<Element, Size>::wasEmpty() const
return (head == tail);
/** Useful for testing and Producer check of status
* Remember that the “full” status can change quickly
* as the Consumer catches up.
* \return true if circular buffer is full. */
template<typename Element, unsigned int Size>
bool CircularFifo<Element, Size>::wasFull() const
auto tailCheck = (tail+1) % Capacity;
return (tailCheck == head);
/** Increment helper function for index of the circular queue
* index is inremented or wrapped
* \param idx_ the index to the incremented/wrapped
* \return new value for the index */
template<typename Element, unsigned int Size>
unsigned int CircularFifo<Element, Size>::increment(unsigned int idx_) const
// increment or wrap
// =================
// index++;
// if(index == array.lenght) -> index = 0;
//or as written below:
// index = (index+1) % array.length
idx_ = (idx_+1) % Capacity;
return idx_;
} // hazard_by_convention
* Update: 2012-11-26
* the circular fifo used in “circularfifo_hazard_platform_dependent.hpp”
* is EXTREMELY platform dependent and should never be used except for testing
* purposes. For all intents and purposes THIS “circlarfifo_hazard” should be
* considered BROKEN
* Not any company”s property but Public-Domain
* Do with source-code as you will. No requirement to keep this
* header if need to use it/change it/ or do whatever with it
* Note that there is No guarantee that this code will work. And is actually
* proven to FAIL in the unit-test. I take no responsibility for this
* code and any problems you might get if using it.
* Code & platform dependent issues with it was originally
* published at http://www.kjellkod.cc/threadsafecircularqueue
* 2009-11-02
* @author Kjell Hedstr鰉, hedstrom@kjellkod.cc */
namespace hazard_by_convention {
/** Circular Fifo (a.k.a. Circular Buffer)
* Thread safe for one reader, and one writer */
template<typename Element, unsigned int Size>
class CircularFifo {
enum {Capacity = Size+1};
CircularFifo() : tail(0), head(0){}
virtual ~CircularFifo() {}
bool push(const Element& item_);
bool pop(Element& item_);
bool wasEmpty() const;
bool wasFull() const;
volatile unsigned int tail; // input index
Element array[Capacity];
volatile unsigned int head; // output index
unsigned int increment(unsigned int idx_) const;
// not allowed to copy nor assign
CircularFifo(const CircularFifo&);
void operator=(const CircularFifo&);
/** Producer only: Adds item to the circular queue.
* If queue is full at “push” operation no update/overwrite
* will happen, it is up to the caller to handle this case
* \param item_ copy by reference the input item
* \return whether operation was successful or not */
template<typename Element, unsigned int Size>
bool CircularFifo<Element, Size>::push(const Element& item_)
auto nextTail = increment(tail);
if(nextTail != head)
array[tail] = item_;
tail = nextTail;
return true;
// queue was full
return false;
/** Consumer only: Removes and returns item from the queue
* If queue is empty at “pop” operation no retrieve will happen
* It is up to the caller to handle this case
* \param item_ return by reference the wanted item
* \return whether operation was successful or not */
template<typename Element, unsigned int Size>
bool CircularFifo<Element, Size>::pop(Element& item_)
if(head == tail)
return false; // empty queue
item_ = array[head];
head = increment(head);
return true;
/** Useful for testinng and Consumer check of status
* Remember that the “empty” status can change quickly
* as the Procuder adds more items.
* \return true if circular buffer is empty */
template<typename Element, unsigned int Size>
bool CircularFifo<Element, Size>::wasEmpty() const
return (head == tail);
/** Useful for testing and Producer check of status
* Remember that the “full” status can change quickly
* as the Consumer catches up.
* \return true if circular buffer is full. */
template<typename Element, unsigned int Size>
bool CircularFifo<Element, Size>::wasFull() const
auto tailCheck = (tail+1) % Capacity;
return (tailCheck == head);
/** Increment helper function for index of the circular queue
* index is inremented or wrapped
* \param idx_ the index to the incremented/wrapped
* \return new value for the index */
template<typename Element, unsigned int Size>
unsigned int CircularFifo<Element, Size>::increment(unsigned int idx_) const
// increment or wrap
// =================
// index++;
// if(index == array.lenght) -> index = 0;
//or as written below:
// index = (index+1) % array.length
idx_ = (idx_+1) % Capacity;
return idx_;
} // hazard_by_convention
//循环向a函数每次发送200个字节长度(这个是固定的)的buffer, //a函数中需要将循环传进来的buffer,组成240字节(也是固定的)的新buffer进行处理, //在处理的时候每次从新buffer中取两个字节打印 #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4996) #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _MSC_VER #include <windows.h> #include <process.h> #include <io.h> #define MYVOID void #define vsnprintf _vsnprintf #else #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <pthread.h> #define CRITICAL_SECTION pthread_mutex_t #define MYVOID void * #endif //Log{ #define MAXLOGSIZE 20000000 #define MAXLINSIZE 16000 #include <time.h> #include <sys/timeb.h> #include <stdarg.h> char logfilename1[]="MyLog1.log"; char logfilename2[]="MyLog2.log"; static char logstr[MAXLINSIZE+1]; char datestr[16]; char timestr[16]; char mss[4]; CRITICAL_SECTION cs_log; FILE *flog; #ifdef _MSC_VER void Lock(CRITICAL_SECTION *l) { EnterCriticalSection(l); } void Unlock(CRITICAL_SECTION *l) { LeaveCriticalSection(l); } void sleep_ms(int ms) { Sleep(ms); } #else void Lock(CRITICAL_SECTION *l) { pthread_mutex_lock(l); } void Unlock(CRITICAL_SECTION *l) { pthread_mutex_unlock(l); } void sleep_ms(int ms) { usleep(ms*1000); } #endif void LogV(const char *pszFmt,va_list argp) { struct tm *now; struct timeb tb; if (NULL==pszFmt||0==pszFmt[0]) return; vsnprintf(logstr,MAXLINSIZE,pszFmt,argp); ftime(&tb); now=localtime(&tb.time); sprintf(datestr,"%04d-%02d-%02d",now->tm_year+1900,now->tm_mon+1,now->tm_mday); sprintf(timestr,"%02d:%02d:%02d",now->tm_hour ,now->tm_min ,now->tm_sec ); sprintf(mss,"%03d",tb.millitm); printf("%s %s.%s %s",datestr,timestr,mss,logstr); flog=fopen(logfilename1,"a"); if (NULL!=flog) { fprintf(flog,"%s %s.%s %s",datestr,timestr,mss,logstr); if (ftell(flog)>MAXLOGSIZE) { fclose(flog); if (rename(logfilename1,logfilename2)) { remove(logfilename2); rename(logfilename1,logfilename2); } } else { fclose(flog); } } } void Log(const char *pszFmt,...) { va_list argp; Lock(&cs_log); va_start(argp,pszFmt); LogV(pszFmt,argp); va_end(argp); Unlock(&cs_log); } //Log} #define ASIZE 200 #define BSIZE 240 #define CSIZE 2 char Abuf[ASIZE]; char Cbuf[CSIZE]; CRITICAL_SECTION cs_HEX; CRITICAL_SECTION cs_BBB; struct FIFO_BUFFER { int head; int tail; int size; char data[BSIZE]; } BBB; int No_Loop=0; void HexDump(int cn,char *buf,int len) { int i,j,k; char binstr[80]; Lock(&cs_HEX); for (i=0;i<len;i++) { if (0==(i%16)) { sprintf(binstr,"%03d %04x -",cn,i); sprintf(binstr,"%s %02x",binstr,(unsigned char)buf[i]); } else if (15==(i%16)) { sprintf(binstr,"%s %02x",binstr,(unsigned char)buf[i]); sprintf(binstr,"%s ",binstr); for (j=i-15;j<=i;j++) { sprintf(binstr,"%s%c",binstr,("!"<buf[j]&&buf[j]<="~")?buf[j]:"."); } Log("%s\n",binstr); } else { sprintf(binstr,"%s %02x",binstr,(unsigned char)buf[i]); } } if (0!=(i%16)) { k=16-(i%16); for (j=0;j<k;j++) { sprintf(binstr,"%s ",binstr); } sprintf(binstr,"%s ",binstr); k=16-k; for (j=i-k;j<i;j++) { sprintf(binstr,"%s%c",binstr,("!"<buf[j]&&buf[j]<="~")?buf[j]:"."); } Log("%s\n",binstr); } Unlock(&cs_HEX); } int GetFromRBuf(int cn,CRITICAL_SECTION *cs,struct FIFO_BUFFER *fbuf,char *buf,int len) { int lent,len1,len2; lent=0; Lock(cs); if (fbuf->size>=len) { lent=len; if (fbuf->head+lent>BSIZE) { len1=BSIZE-fbuf->head; memcpy(buf ,fbuf->data+fbuf->head,len1); len2=lent-len1; memcpy(buf+len1,fbuf->data ,len2); fbuf->head=len2; } else { memcpy(buf ,fbuf->data+fbuf->head,lent); fbuf->head+=lent; } fbuf->size-=lent; } Unlock(cs); return lent; } MYVOID thdB(void *pcn) { char *recv_buf; int recv_nbytes; int cn; int wc; int pb; cn=(int)pcn; Log("%03d thdB thread begin...\n",cn); while (1) { sleep_ms(10); recv_buf=(char *)Cbuf; recv_nbytes=CSIZE; wc=0; while (1) { pb=GetFromRBuf(cn,&cs_BBB,&BBB,recv_buf,recv_nbytes); if (pb) { Log("%03d recv %d bytes\n",cn,pb); HexDump(cn,recv_buf,pb); sleep_ms(1); } else { sleep_ms(1000); } if (No_Loop) break;// wc++; if (wc>3600) Log("%03d %d==wc>3600!\n",cn,wc); } if (No_Loop) break;// } #ifndef _MSC_VER pthread_exit(NULL); #endif } int PutToRBuf(int cn,CRITICAL_SECTION *cs,struct FIFO_BUFFER *fbuf,char *buf,int len) { int lent,len1,len2; Lock(cs); lent=len; if (fbuf->size+lent>BSIZE) { lent=BSIZE-fbuf->size; } if (fbuf->tail+lent>BSIZE) { len1=BSIZE-fbuf->tail; memcpy(fbuf->data+fbuf->tail,buf ,len1); len2=lent-len1; memcpy(fbuf->data ,buf+len1,len2); fbuf->tail=len2; } else { memcpy(fbuf->data+fbuf->tail,buf ,lent); fbuf->tail+=lent; } fbuf->size+=lent; Unlock(cs); return lent; } MYVOID thdA(void *pcn) { char *send_buf; int send_nbytes; int cn; int wc; int a; int pa; cn=(int)pcn; Log("%03d thdA thread begin...\n",cn); a=0; while (1) { sleep_ms(100); memset(Abuf,a,ASIZE); a=(a+1)%256; if (16==a) {No_Loop=1;break;}//去掉这句可以让程序一直循环直到按Ctrl+C或Ctrl+Break或当前目录下存在文件No_Loop send_buf=(char *)Abuf; send_nbytes=ASIZE; Log("%03d sending %d bytes\n",cn,send_nbytes); HexDump(cn,send_buf,send_nbytes); wc=0; while (1) { pa=PutToRBuf(cn,&cs_BBB,&BBB,send_buf,send_nbytes); Log("%03d sent %d bytes\n",cn,pa); HexDump(cn,send_buf,pa); send_buf+=pa; send_nbytes-=pa; if (send_nbytes<=0) break;// sleep_ms(1000); if (No_Loop) break;// wc++; if (wc>3600) Log("%03d %d==wc>3600!\n",cn,wc); } if (No_Loop) break;// } #ifndef _MSC_VER pthread_exit(NULL); #endif } int main() { #ifdef _MSC_VER InitializeCriticalSection(&cs_log); InitializeCriticalSection(&cs_HEX); InitializeCriticalSection(&cs_BBB); #else pthread_t threads[2]; int threadsN; int rc; pthread_mutex_init(&cs_log,NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&cs_HEX,NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&cs_BBB,NULL); #endif Log("Start===========================================================\n"); BBB.head=0; BBB.tail=0; BBB.size=0; #ifdef _MSC_VER _beginthread((void(__cdecl *)(void *))thdA,0,(void *)1); _beginthread((void(__cdecl *)(void *))thdB,0,(void *)2); #else threadsN=0; rc=pthread_create(&(threads[threadsN++]),NULL,thdA,(void *)1);if (rc) Log("%d=pthread_create %d error!\n",rc,threadsN-1); rc=pthread_create(&(threads[threadsN++]),NULL,thdB,(void *)2);if (rc) Log("%d=pthread_create %d error!\n",rc,threadsN-1); #endif if (!access("No_Loop",0)) { remove("No_Loop"); if (!access("No_Loop",0)) { No_Loop=1; } } while (1) { sleep_ms(1000); if (No_Loop) break;// if (!access("No_Loop",0)) { No_Loop=1; } } sleep_ms(3000); Log("End=============================================================\n"); #ifdef _MSC_VER DeleteCriticalSection(&cs_BBB); DeleteCriticalSection(&cs_HEX); DeleteCriticalSection(&cs_log); #else pthread_mutex_destroy(&cs_BBB); pthread_mutex_destroy(&cs_HEX); pthread_mutex_destroy(&cs_log); #endif return 0; }
好多东西都忘了… 粗略看了下貌似x86处理器同一CPU内是能保证写入可见的。但是本人不确定是不是全部内存模式都行,感觉write-combining模式核内都需要memory ordering才能保证可见。
另外无序执行的x86处理器,假如不用memory ordering,写入顺序依然不能保证。即便编译器不给调整顺序,CPU执行的顺序依然可能是反的。
另外无序执行的x86处理器,假如不用memory ordering,写入顺序依然不能保证。即便编译器不给调整顺序,CPU执行的顺序依然可能是反的。